Go to the Android Market and get an app installer: Astro File Manager, Apps Installer, z App Installer are a few that can be found. Download the GCNLive Android App APK file GCNLive APK down load and save in your phone’s memory card and insert the card into your Android phone. After it is downloaded for your phone’s memory card, open your installer app. It will show you all the APK files stored without delay in the basis directory of your memory card. On 3 29 11, we made giant upgrades to our servers that experience increased the codecs for our streams. This problem has been resolved and you can delete the app out of your phone and re install it and also you must be capable of listen to GCN Mobile App from any Android Device. is where extra value is added via things corresponding to packaging, advertising, warranties, ensures, brand name, design, financing alternatives where applicable, prompt and on time service, and extra amenities that can boost a product. The augmented layer for Southwest Airlines is its sought after brand name, its packaging and promotion as a “fun” flying event, and its “bags fly free” policy. The ice cream cone it truly is bought in an old original ice cream parlor is frequently considered of larger value to many clients than the ice cream cone bought at a Dairy Queen. It is that this layer where many advertising mistakes are made as a result of alternatives are missed. The symbolic layerThe which means of a product to a consumer—its emotional and psychological connections. captures the that means of a product to a client—its emotional and psychological connections.